Smoke and Soot Mapping Analysis and Clearance Sampling within a Building
Following a fire loss, issues often arise pertaining to smoke odour and soot residue within a building and on contents. How far has the contamination reached? Have wall or ceiling cavities been compromised? What building materials and contents require removal and replacement? What items can be cleaned and salvaged? Should sealing and encapsulation of some areas be considered? Undertaking smoke and soot contamination mapping within a building will help answer these questions and establish a restoration protocol for the contractor to complete.
A detailed assessment of the building and building construction is essential. We offer a combination of air sampling and surface swab or tape lift sampling services that give an overall analysis of the building and/or contents in question. We can assess if incomplete products of combustion (smoke/soot) are present on a material or within an air space to establish how far the restoration needs to go to help avoid unnecessary costs.
For surface sampling there are two common options. The first is undertaking surface swab samples using laboratory grade Kimwipes saturated in either laboratory grade Hexane or Isopropyl Alcohol, depending on the surface material being sampled. Tape lift samples for microscopic evaluation of smoke/soot are also a good option, which can typically be analyzed by the laboratory more quickly and cost effectively. This is helpful prior to a fire restoration being completed to establish the scope of work required and following the restoration to identify if the project was completed successfully.
For air sampling there are several options available. Solid Phase Micro Extraction Fibre (SPME) sampling and more conventional Charcoal Tube sampling are viable options prior to the fire restoration being completed. However, often our eyes, a white glove test or olfactory systems are enough to tell what is contaminated as gross levels of contamination are often present. Laboratory calibrated SUMMA air canisters for total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and target volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) can be collected for an 8 hour or more conventional 24 hour air sample, which is a very useful tool to establish if building clearance has been achieved following the fire restoration prior to the building being reoccupied.
The results of a 24 hour clearance air test can be compared to available Health Canada Residential Indoor Air Quality Guidelines and other guidelines or industry recognized levels where available. Even if contents have been removed from the building and cleaned and building restoration was properly completed, occupants may still think an issue exists. Whether the issue is psychosomatic or legitimate, we can assess buildings and contents to get you the answers you need. There will always be people that want everything brand new no matter what you tell them and costs can rise very quickly. There are also people who may have hypersensitivities to certain contaminants which may complicate the process. A consultation with a medical doctor in that instance may also be required.
The samples (other than surface tapelift samples) are analyzed by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) at an accredited laboratory. Our laboratory experts can identify the compounds found within the samples and can even assist us with determining the source of the particular compounds identified in special circumstances.
A professional report is then generated outlining the results of the testing to assist you with making an informed decision. These may be the critical answers you need to handle a claim both quickly and economically.
In addition to soot and smoke from fire claims, we offer pre-remediation and post-remediation assessments and sampling of marijuana grow ops and clandestine drug labs such as homes used for the manufacture of methamphetamine. Following a pre-remediation assessment, a remediation protocol can be provided for contractors when problems are identified.
We also offer testing, remediation protocols and clearance sampling for fuel oil spill cleanups, mould or asbestos claims, or microbial jobs such as sewer backups. Homeowners can then have the peace of mind they need prior to reestablishing occupancy of the building. We are always here to answer your questions and hope to see you on your next claim.
WC: 653